Travel South Africa
Safety & Health Recommendations
Your Safety is our Top Priority
Malaria is a mosquito-borne disease transmitted by the bite of the female Anopheles mosquito. When visiting African game reserves, malaria can be a concern. There is, however, a reduction in your risk of contracting malaria by taking malaria prophylaxis medications. It is also possible to reduce the risk of malaria by preventing mosquito bites. You can do this by:
Wearing shoes, long-sleeved shirts, and long pants when you go outside.
Staying inside at between dawn and dusk - This means any time after sunset and before sunrise.
Using insect repellent that contains DEET. (Can be purchased inside the Kruger National Park)
Ensuring that insect screens over the windows and doors are closed or sleep under a mosquito net. All tourist accommodation in Kruger National Park and have insect screens on windows and doors.
Travellers planning to visit an area where malaria is common should get advice from their doctor, nurse, pharmacist or travel clinic.
A good time to do this is at least 4 to 6 weeks before you travel, but if necessary, you can still ask for advice last minute.
Since the COVID-19 Pandemic the South African tourism and hospitality industry has developed comprehensive protocols to ensure continued operation of all types of tourism businesses and facilities.
We at Nhongo Safaris® have pledged compliance with industry protocols ensuring your safety during the pandemic.

View our certificate here:
Safety Do & Don'ts
South Africa is a generally safe place to visit as a tourist, despite its reputation. The majority of tourist areas frequented by tourists are relatively safe, with only a small minority experiencing incidents of crime. It is wise to use common sense, take a few basic precautions, and avoid high-risk areas as you would anywhere else in the world.
Here are some basic safety tips that will help keep you safe while visiting South Africa:
At the airport, be alert. Be sure to keep your belongings in sight. Make sure you hold onto your stuff. Bags should never be left unattended. Look around. Walk with purpose. Follow official direction signs, don't ask random people for directions.
Do not carry valuables in your backpack or any bag or pocket that is easily accessible
Avoid carrying large amounts of cash on you.
Do not put valuables on the passenger seat or backseat of the car. Make sure phones, handbags, laptop bags and any other valuables are stored out of sight. If possible, keep your wallet, phone and passport on your person rather than somewhere in the car. A hidden money belt can be useful.
Lock the doors and keep the windows closed. Check all car doors to make sure they are locked before walking away
At traffic lights, people may approach your window to beg for money or try and sell you something. Don't panic, this is common in South Africa and usually harmless. A shake of the head is enough to indicate you are not interested.
Never pick up hitchhikers or offer lifts to a stranger with a sad and desperate story.
Stick to the speed limit and obey all traffic rules.
In the unlikely event that you are robbed or hijacked, cooperate fully and do not resist.
When locking your car, listen for the click of the lock or check your doors to make sure they are locked. In some areas, remote jammers are active.
All credit card transactions should be completed in your presence. Don't let anyone take your credit card out of sight, where it may be cloned.
Stick to areas that are well lit and frequented by tourists. Avoid empty side streets or alleyways.
Don't wander around aimlessly. Know where you are going.
Don't walk around staring at your phone. Keep your phone, purse and other valuables out of sight. Be alert.
Walking in groups is better than walking alone.
Safety in the Kruger National Park & Surrounding Reserves
Your safety and enjoyment of the Kruger National Park are very important to us. To ensure a pleasant and successful trip, it is essential that you adhere strictly to the regulations which are intended for your protection and enjoyment.
You are not allowed to drive “off-road” or on roads with a “no entry” sign.
The feeding or intentional disturbance of wildlife is a serious offence. By feeding any wildlife you are potentially SIGNING THEIR DEATH WARRANT, AS THEY MAY BECOME DEPENDENT AND OFTEN BECOME AGGRESSIVE AND DANGEROUS, AND THUS HAVE TO BE EXTERMINATED. Remember, animals see litter as food!
Visitors must remain in their vehicles unless in a designated area.
Stick to the speed limit! All general rules of the road apply within the Kruger National Park. The speed limit is 50 km/h on tar roads and 40 km/h on gravel roads.
Look at the gate times in your green gate permit. You must be inside the camp or out of the gate before these times. No travelling before or after these times is allowed.
For safety reasons some activities conducted in parks have age restrictions. Please take cognizance of these in order to prevent disappointments.
No plant, animal, wildlife or any natural or cultural items may be removed from the park
Littering is prohibited. Deposit or leaving of any litter except in receptacles for that purpose will result in a fine
Poaching and killing or injuring of animals is strictly prohibited
The use of drones inside (and over) national parks is strictly prohibited
Do not leave food or bags in an open vehicle.
Do not leave valuables in your bungalow while out on a game drive.
If you are driving yourself to the Kruger Park, avoid the Numbi entrance gate
Do not let the fear of crime ruin your African safari or stop you from having a great time! It is safe to visit most tourist regions in South Africa, despite its reputation as an unsafe country. The vast majority (over 99.9%) of tourists to South Africa experience no incidents of crime during their trip.
Safe travels!